Chic Bridal Styles Cont.

This week we want to highlight some elegant touches that are sure to create a stunning vintage style. We like to use soft accents, which boast an aura of femininity. Please enjoy!

 The Hair

Girl with bridal hairstyle and makeupBride. Golden Hair Female with Red Flower. Platinum Necklace

The hair for this type of look can be worn up or down, but we have chosen to highlight these beautiful up-styles because of their adaptability when working with all different textures and densities of hair. Soft curls are strategically pinned to showcase the shape of the curl pattern. We love the accent hairpiece placed asymmetrically, although this style is beautiful with birdcage and traditional veils as well.

The Makeup

Soft makeup

Beautiful soft pinks and oranges for the lips and cheeks, and neutral tones on the eyes keep this look soft and natural. The rose colored lip looks beautiful with ivory wedding gowns.


 The Dress

Lace and ivory detail

An easy way to achieve a vintage feel to your bridal style? Lace! We love gowns and veils that are accented with lace trim, or in the case of the photo, gowns made completely of lace. Trumpet style gowns are a popular cut for this look also.


 The Flowers

Beautiful Bouquet

When designing a bouquet to fit you vintage style, be creative! Ask your florist to help you choose a variety of flowers that will compliment one another. We like pale colors in vintage style bouquets. Think pale greens, soft pinks and oranges, and lilac/lavender tones.




Makeup Trends for Summer 2014

Nothing accentuates a beautiful hairstyle like the perfect makeup. Here are some makeup trends we love for the summer of 2014 and how to best wear them!

Woman with orange lipstick

Bold Lip Colors – We are seeing a lot of vibrancy on the runway, as far as lip color is concerned. Bright hues like candy apple red, hot pink and cream sickle orange are dominating the summer season. We’ve been seeing diluted versions of the same colors showing up on the cheeks also. When wearing bright lipstick, it is best to keep the rest of the makeup relatively simple. To incorporate bright lips into your everyday look, try playing down the eyes. Try lightly lining the eye, and using mascara instead of contouring with eye shadow.

eyeshadow colors and eyeliners, cosmetics

Green, Blue, Teal – These colors are being favored this season not just by clothing fashions, but in the eye makeup world as well. We have been seeing a variety of ways to decorate the eyes with these shades from eye liner pencils to pigmented eye shadows. Liner pencils are a great way to achieve this punch of color quickly, and not a lot of other makeup is required in an everyday wear scenario. Because these colors have such a pop when used on the eyes, a simpler lip is usually recommended. Try soft pinks or nudes on the lip.